Application of Linear Equations to Predict Sensor and Finger Based Postprandial Plasma Glucoses and Daily Glucoses During Pre Covid 19, Covid 19, and Total Periods Using GH Method: Math Physical Medicine ( 345)
A Neural Communication Model between the Brain and Internal Organs, Specifically the Stomach, Liver, and Pancreatic Beta Cells Based on PPG Waveforms of 131 Liquid Egg Meals and 124 Solid Egg Meals ( 340)
Self Recovery of Pancreatic Beta Cell’s Insulin Secretion Based on Annualized Fasting Plasma Glucose, Baseline Postprandial Plasma Glucose, and Baseline Daily Glucose Data Using GH Method: Math Physical Medicine ( 297)
Quantitative Measurements of Stressors and Symptoms of People with Borderline Personality Disorder Before and During the COVID 19 Quarantine Period Using GH Method: Math Physical Medicine ( 296)
Relationship between Metabolism and Probability Risks of Having Cardiovascular Diseases or Renal Complications Using GH Method: Math Physical Medicine ( 258)
A Summary Report on Partial Regeneration of the Pancreatic Beta Cells Insulin Regression Using Both Fasting Plasma Glucose, Postprandial Plasma Glucose, and HbA1C Data Using GH Method: Math Physical Medicine ( 252)