Category: Special Issue 4

Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #25): Applying the Concepts of Viscoelasticity, Viscoplasticity and Perturbation Theories to Predict PPG Dataset and Waveforms for the Pre-Virus and Virus Periods Using the Total PPG Values as a Baseline Along with the Estimated PPG Relative Energy Levels in Both Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 605)

Viscoelastic or Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #24): Applying Perturbation Theory and the Theories of Viscoelasticity and Viscoplasticity to Predict the Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Probability Percentages Using Collected Data from the Estimated Daily Glucose Values and Overall Metabolism Index Values Over a 10+ Year Period from Y2012 to Y2022 Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 604)

Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #23): Applying the Concepts of Viscoelasticity, Viscoplasticity and Perturbation Theories to Investigate the Role and Impact of Oximetry Biomarker Value (Finger O2%) on Other Collected Biomarker Values Using Collected O2% Data Over a Relative Shorter Period of 6 Months Only from 8/8/2021 to 2/10/2022 Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 602)

Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #22): Applying the Concepts of Viscoelasticity, Viscoplasticity and Perturbation Theories to Predict Cancer Risk Percentages Using the Overall Lifestyle Scores and Calculated Cancer Risk Change Rates with Corresponding Lifestyle Scores as the Respective Viscosity Factors Along with Studying the Relationship Between Cancer Risks and Diabetic Glucoses Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 601)

Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #21): Applying the Concepts of Viscoelasticity, Viscoplasticity and Perturbation Theories to Predict Lower eAG and Higher eAG Values by Using the Overall eAG Values and their Change Rates with Corresponding Carbs/Sugar Intake Amounts as the Respective Viscosity Factors Along with Estimating Relative Energies in Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 600)

Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #20): Applying Theories of Viscoelasticity and Viscoplasticity from Engineering and Energy Theory from Physics for Two eAG Cases to Compare the Energy Loss in the Loading-Unloading Process Through Two Hysteresis Loop Areas Along with Comparing Two eAG Associated Energies from Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 599)

Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #19): Applying Theories of Viscoelasticity and Viscoplasticity from Engineering and Energy Theory from Physics for Three PPG Cases to Compare the Energy Loss in Loading-Unloading Process via Three Hysteresis Loop Areas Along with Comparing Three PPG Associated Energies via Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 598)

Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #18): Applying Theories of Viscoelasticity and Viscoplasticity from Engineering and Perturbation Theory from Quantum Mechanics from 9 Cases to Predict the Behavior or Symptom of an Output Biomarker as the Strain (ε), by Selecting a Highly Correlated Input Biomarker as the Stress (σ), and Using the Stress Rate (dσ/dt) Multiplied with the Stress (σ) Value and an Amplification Factor Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 597)

Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #17): Selecting 12 Cases and Applying Theories of Viscoelasticity and Viscoplasticity from Engineering and Perturbation Theory from Quantum Mechanics to Predict the Behavior of an Output Biomarker as the Strain (ε or Behavior, Symptom) by Using the Strain Rate (dε/dt) Multiplying with a Correlated Input Biomarker of Stress Value (σ or Stressor, Cause) as the Viscosity Factor (η), Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 596)

Viscoelastic or Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #16): Applying the Theories of Elasticity, Plasticity, Viscoelasticity, and Viscoplasticity to Study the Body Weight and Estimated Daily Glucose (eAG) Over a 13+ Year Period from Y2010 to Y2022 Based on the GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 595)

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